Help Centre

Help Informations

What kind of help do you need?

illustration of a telephone

Need Urgent Help or Support?

This questionnaire will not be reviewed prior to your scheduled appointment with your therapist.

You have indicated that you may be experiencing thoughts if suicide and / or self-harm. It is important that you keep safe until your next appointment. If you do not feel safe or need additional support before your next scheduled appointment please

  • Reach out to a family member or friend for support
  • Contact your GP and ask for an urgent appointment explaining the situation
  • If out of working hours, please contact your out of hours GP service or NHS direct on 111 

If you feel that you are at immediate risk and unable to keep safe until you see a GP then then please go to your local A&E department or gain support by dialling 999 and explaining to them  that you are  feeling unsafe

The Samaritans provide a 24 hour helpline for immediate support  Tel: 116 123